Service Department
Is Your Phone Sick? No Dial Tone?
There are several things that may attribute to this, such as:
- Cordless phones
- Answering machines
- Fax machines
- Computer modems
- Satellite TV systems
- Home Security Systems
If any of the above items are plugged into your line, try unplugging the devices and wait approximately two minutes before reconnecting. If your dial tone returns, one of these devices is causing your problem and may need to be replaced. Should you still not have dial tone, there may be a problem with your telephone jack(s). If you have PRTC wire maintenance we will come and repair the jack and wiring at no charge. If you do not have PRTC wire maintenance for the inside wiring in your home and we come out to repair trouble caused by wiring, you will be charged a service charge plus time and materials for the work performed to correct the problem. Trouble caused by customer owned equipment listed above is not covered by the wire maintenance plan, so make sure that you have isolated the cause of your trouble.
To avoid the possibility of unnecessary charges sign up for PRTC Wire Maintenance and allow us to maintain your inside wiring.
*Wiring must meet PRTC specifications.
To report trouble, please call the PRTC Service Department at (478) 984-4724.